Food Safety Workshop – August 6, 2019
Presentations: Workshop Agenda
- Jim Cranney, CCQC – (Overview)
- Jennifer McEntire, United Fresh – (Overview of FSMA) / (FDA Regulations)
- Steven Pao, Cal State University, Fresno – (GMPs)
- Trevor Suslow, UC Davis – (Packinghouse Sanitation)
- Linda Harris, UC Davis – (Dump Tanks and Flooders)
Food Safety Meeting – August 23, 2017
Presentations: Agenda
- Linda Harris, UC Davis (Please note the data in the presentation is unpublished and has not been subjected to peer review.)
- Satereh Shiroodi, UC Davis
- Adrian Sbodio, UC Davis
Food Safety Workshop: “Avoiding Recalls Managing Food Safety Risks in Citrus Packinghouses” – Jan. 28, 2015
Presentations: Agenda / Speaker Contact Information
- Jim Gorny, Produce Marketing Association
- Courtney Parker, Fresh Express
- Greg Nelson, Western Growers Insurance Services
- Trevor Suslow, UC Davis
- Linda Harris, UC Davis
- Elis Owens / Jeremy Adler, Birko Corporation
Additional Reference Documents:
- Bad Bug Book – FDA handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
- Listeria monocytogenes FDA Bad Bug Book Excerpt
- Guidance on Environmental Monitoring and Control Listeria for the Fresh Produce Industry – developed by the United Fresh Produce Association
- FDA Jensen Farms Environmental Assessment Final Report – provides an overview of factors that contributed to the contamination of cantaloupes with listeria monocytogenes which resulted in a multi-state outbreak of listerosis.
- Establishing Lot Size through Sanitation Clean Breaks in Produce Packing Facilities – University of Florida IFAS Extension, B. Chapman and M.D. Danyluk
FDA Proposes New Food Safety Standards
Attached is an FDA press release and proposed rule summary to establish standards for growing, harvesting, packing and holding produce on farms to mitigate food safety risks.
California Citrus Food Safety Documents:
- Food Safety Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for California Citrus Growers – Guidance
- Food Safety Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for California Citrus Harvesters – Guidance
- Citrus Grower Written Food Safety Plan
- Citrus Harvester Written Food Safety Plan
- Citirus Harvester Written Food Safety Plan – Spanish version
The Food Safety GAP documents are the latest documents to describe recommended good agricultural practices for citrus growers. There are two documents for growers to use and two documents for harvest contractors. This is the latest available information for California citrus growers and it is likely the documents will be updated in the future to reflect pending regulations from the FDA.
In the mean time, these documents represent the best recommendations for growers and harvest contractors who want to initiate efforts to reduce food safety risks as part of citrus production and harvesting. Please contact CCQC if you have any questions about the documents or their intended function.
Sources for Food Safety & Security Information:
- FOOD SAFETY BEGINS ON THE FARM: A Grower’s Guide – Excellent background material on grower food safety and a highly recommended document for growers looking for an easy to understand introduction to risk reduction measures on the farm. Available in English or Spanish. (GAPs Flyer)
- DID YOU KNOW? IN THE FIELD, THERE IS A NEED FOR HYGIENE TOO! – Easy to understand document on the importance of good hygiene in agricultural production.
- – Partnership for Food Safety Education
- – Gateway to U.S. government information on food safety.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Manual of “Improving the Safety and Quality of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: A Training manual for Trainers.“
- – University of California’s food safety information.
- – University of California’s Good Agricultural Practices.
- – Center for Produce Safety, University of California at Davis
- – Western Institute for Food Safety and Security (WIFSS).
- – FDA’s Food Security Guidance documents
- – GLOBALGAP is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe.